
jeudi 3 octobre 2013

A little foodporn has never killed anyone!

    Hey ho guys!! I've been really busy this past week but I have thought about you loads and wondering what I should talk about in this new post and I decided - okay, I've had a few requests - to talk about food (yummy right?!)!!

    So as I told you a few articles back I've started eating clean(er) while doing my first round of Insanity. It isn't something that I felt forced to do but more like a very natural shift in my eating habits. - probably normal to change your habits when you suddenly go from not doing anything to working out 6 days a week.
   Let me give you my definition of clean eating first because I know that we all have a different vision of this concept. To me clean eating means eating mostly things I would have been able to eat during the prehistoric era and avoiding as much as possible processed foods. I basically try to buy organic veggies, fruit and meat ( I eat turkey, chicken and more rarely beef...I don't like pork that much that's why I'm not mentionning it) and I add a few whole grains to that for the carbs but not too much.

    I know that while you reading that you're probably thinking that eating clean is boring. Well, let me tell you that I have never enjoyed food as much as those past few months. I love the feeling you get from knowing you're the one who nearly did everything (I have a very  nice friend and colleague who sometimes goes to a farm close to home and picks veggies and fruit for the both of us himself!) when it comes to preparing your food. There are no weird chemicals in my preparations and it feels awesome to realise that I'm actually capable of cooking a quite tasty dish!

    I have no idea if you're interested in recipes or any other details like a grocery shopping list but let me know in the comments and I'll just let you enjoy a few pics of the goodness that cleaneating can bring to your tastebuds!
 Sweet potato, green beans, cashew nuts, ginger, coconut milk and chicken

 Vanilla pancake with banana and peanut butter

 Whole wheat rice with green beans and coconut milk, almonds and cashews salmon

 Homemade clean banana and raisins bread

 Almond crust, smoked salmon, spinach and cherry tomatoes pie

 Clean cookies

A weekend breakfast: berries, bananas, greek yogurt, honey, grated coconut and oats!

    Don't forget to share the page if you like it!

4 commentaires:

  1. Your dishes look really tasty !! Yummy !

  2. your recipes look GREAT! But how many times a week do you enjoy "unclean" food like sweets, hamburgers or pizzas? does that impact your diet in any way?

    1. I'd say it's more like every other week or once a month and it doesn't impact my lifestyle (I do not see cleaneating as dieting) in any way since it doesn't happen that often and I workout nearly everyday. Just don't expect a flat tummy or nice numbers on the scale on the next day! lol!
