
samedi 28 septembre 2013

The Insane Chapter!

    Hi guys!! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to write and put this article together but as you'll get to know me you'll probably realise that I am a complete moron when it comes to computers and new technologies. It thus took me a few days to fully grasp the concept of iMovie -I told you I was a moron! But there we are so I might as well get started and tell you how I went from thin but wobbly to thin AND firm.

    Seriously who'd want to look like the one on the left when you can get the results on the right through hard work?!?

    I then decided to put myself through hell - yeah I really wanted that - since I had already paid for a gym membership but that never got me very far and moreover it didn't prevent me from ending up fat. So one day while I was very focused on looking for a great fitness programme at before/after pictures I found one that led me to a website called beachbody on which they have loads of programmes but a special one caught my eye: The Insanity 60 days workout -I know what you're thinking: maybe I just felt attracted by the name since I am fairly famous for being a complete nutter. Well you're probably right BUT the problem my friends was that beachbody do not ship to some countries (probably because we're considered retarded by most of the world) like France. But "impossible n'est pas français" so I found a way to get Insanity - eBay - and a few weeks later I got this in the mail:

    I was really scared by the packaging but very excited at the same time. You get 13 DVDs, a workout calendar and some nutrition guide I never read because it mentionned counting calories at the very beginning and I can accept going through hell while I workout but not when it comes to cooking.

    Insanity is a very intense workout that combines cardio and strength exercises for which you do not need anything but your bodyweight - let me tell you that it is more than enough. It lasts 60 days and you have to workout 6 days a week. For the first month the workouts last about 40/45 mins then there's a recovery week during which you do the same workout for 6 days and then the second month which actually gets harder - even though you think it means you're going to die on the spot- and during which the workouts last about 1h up to 1h30.

    I don't really know what else to say apart from the fact that for the first two weeks my body ached all over and I discovered lots of new muscles I didn't even know were there to begin with. I also discovered that I was a fighter since I had absolutely no idea I could push so hard and stand up again when I thought I couldn't move anymore. I also learnt that I love feeling the burn while I workout and being sore the next morning - I told you I was a nutter!

    Enough chitchat let's show you some progress pics:
    Here's my progress after one month of insanity ( I started eating really clean after that but cleaneating will be the subject of another post).

    I went from 56 to 52kg doing insanity and I really got more muscle definition and a firm body.

    Now for those of you who'd want to A) check out an insanity workout
                                                            B) make fun of my weird faces and grunts when I workout

There you go!!
Don't forget to share and comment to let me know if you liked it or not and what you want me to discuss next!

2 commentaires:

  1. Pour l'avoir vue en live, cette nana est au tooop! j'adore le stylo qui se balade sur la vidéo! et bravo à ton homme qui au prix de lourds efforts te regarde souffrir! gros bisous A2line

  2. For those of you who'd like to see the video just click on the link. It says you can't watch it from your mobile but I clicked on the video and it actually works.
