
lundi 23 septembre 2013

The Weight Watchers Era (February 2013 - May 2013)

    Hi guys!! New chapter of the story today....the Weight Watcher part of my story or "How I (re)learnt to eat well".

    So as I told you in my previous post after the Pantartica episode - I know I've watched Notting Hill waaayyy too many times - I downloaded the WW app on a whim and started right away. I chose the app and not the meetings because I was under the impression that the meetings would be something of that kind:

You've got to love Little Britain
    So the app was a good compromise for me (and I know I can do things on my own when I have enough motivation since I always do what needs to be done to reach my goals) it was around 15€ per month and when you subscribed for 3 months right away you had a discount - a small one though. 

    It's very simple to use since it kind of works like a diary in which you register everything you eat. When you first get the app you need to answer a few questions about your eating habits, type your age, height and current weight and they then ask you to set a goal. According to all those previous things they allow you a certain amount of "points" per day which you can use in any way that you like. As far as I'm concerned, I quickly got to using most of my points during breakfast and lunch and had a very light dinner (veggies, soup...). This might explain why I felt hungry for the first week or so around bed time.

    I believe that the app somehow helped me know what was high in "bad" calories - yes, there are good ones in fruit and veggies for example - since all the greasy or sugary foods were very high in points ( a regina pizza is 12 or 14 points if I remember well and I was allowed 29 a day at first...that gives an idea of how bad it is). Most fruit and vegetables on the contrary are "point free" (they cost zero) which means you can eat as much peas, mushrooms, salad, beans, apples, bananas etc as you like very day!

    So I found that Weight Watchers also helped me keep track of what I was eating - writing all your food down helps you realize that you've probably had enough even though you're used to eating more and since we mostly eat the same thing every week I quickly memorized the point system and I knew what to eat or buy or cook without looking at my phone constantly. It finally was very helpful in organizing and managing to keep a normal social life - I found that very hard to do when I did my first "bad" diet since it was very strict - since you have "bonus" points when you exercise and a sort of weekly allowance in case you need or feel like indulging in a little treat. You then only need to eat veggies or fruit the whole day so you can have pasta at the restaurant or even a burger for dinner with your friends.

    Finally, I lost 8 kilos doing it and went from 64 to 56 kilos and I can assure you that I never felt like I was on a very strict diet or anything of that kind. I then decided that it was time for me to start working out again and that's the story I'll tell you in my next article!!
    PS: I'm very sorry for the length of that article but it felt like I really needed to give you specific details about how WW works plus I'm very tired so I can't focus as much as usual. Hope I didn't bore you though!
Don't forget to comment and share both the link of the blog of you like it and your suggestions if you think I should change anything!

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