
lundi 10 février 2014

I'm not dead!!

   Hi guys!!!

   I know it's been a horribly long while since my last post (for me it's been waaayyy too long anyway) and I apologise because I feel like a bad person for not posting anything at all for more than 3 months.

   I hope you're all doing great and that you're all on tracks when it comes to being fit, healthy and gorgeous. As far as I'm concerned let's say that the Christmas period had been quite complicated since I went abroad to meet my boyfriend's family for the first time which implied being invited over every single day and eating very good but also very UNclean treats every day!

   I'm not going to lie it felt awesome to just eat whatever I wanted but believe me when I tell you that the guilt I felt for hours afterwards was probably not worth it.  I came back home feeling fat again and having put 3 kilos back on.

   Then there was the usual back to work my life is hell period and I kept finding excuses to have cheat meals (i.e. The frige is empty, I had a really rough day, I'll get back on tracks tomorrow) which led me to 2 more weeks of eating lordknowswhat!!

   Oh but despite eating badly and ruining all my efforts I never stopped working out so I think it limited the weight disaster!

   I started not fitting in my jeans correctly and being disgusted by myself again so now I'm back to eating clean and less and indulging only once a week and I can't wait to see my abs again!

   In my next post I'll talk to you about my first experience doing crossfit and another thing! And of course you'll soon have a recipe!!