
vendredi 1 novembre 2013

Booty and legs killer workout!!

    Hi guys! I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween and enjoyed your awesomely fit bodies by wearing crazy costumes you wouldn't have dared to wear last year. 

    I personally didn't go to a party but to the restaurant with my man and my family for an awesome cheat meal which was very well deserved since it had been a month since I last indulged in such a treat and since I literally killed my legs on Wednesday. Believe me when I tell you that it hurt yesterday but it hurts even more today (I did workout both days though...I told you: no excuses!) I actually can't sit - it looks more like I'm letting myself fall - or go down the stairs - I seriously wish I had one of my granny's automatic chairs to do that.

    I went from this:

    To this: 

    So for those of you who really are after a great burn and a possible awesome future bum I thought I'd share my leg session with you.

A. Plyo Squats (Jump squats)
B. 16kg  Pop squats
C. Half burpees (no push ups)
D. Jumping lunges (knee to floor as much as possible)

    Do 5 rounds as follows: 1st round = 50/50/15/50
                                               2nd round = 40/40/15/40
                                               3rd round = 30/30/15/30
                                               4th round = 20/20/15/20
                                               5th round = 10/10/15/10

    I'm now going to wish you luck, go cook a yummy healthy dinner and I'll speak to you soon! Don't forget to comment and even share the blog if you like it. Thanks a lot for the support and the love guys! Mwah from Robocop!!!